Medical Research Society

As spin off effect of doctor’s desire to excel, Analyze, study and research the BAMRS emerged as a sister trust of BAVP in 1990.

Research Society activities

  1. Clinical Meeting
  2. CME - Continuing Medical Education
  3. Mortality-Morbidity Review Committee
  4. Ethics Committee
  5. Educational Courses
  6. Health Promotional Activities
  7. Felicitation programs
  8. Indigenous Research and Drug Trails

Clinical Meeting

  1. Every department is hosting the meeting according to the given schedule.
  2. The agenda of the meeting should be communicated to all well in advance, so that other consultant can be ready with questions.
  3. Basic topics are selected.
  4. Generally topic is of interest of all other specialty.
  5. Presentation can be cases, original studies or review of recent trends.
  6. Outside speakers are invited.


  1. An ethics committee is a body responsible for ensuring that medical experimentation and human research are carried out in an ethical manner in accordance with national and international law.
  2. Dr BAMRS Dr Hedgewar Hospital Ethics committee. 
  3. This ethics committee is constituted as per ICMR guidelines having 7 members 
  4. This is DCGI registered ethics committee
  5. Ethics committee meeting is scheduled bimonthly and as and when required. 
  6. Dr. Abhijeetchadge is member secretary of Ethics committee.
  7. We are in the phase of NABH accreditation of Ethics committee
  8. All ethics committee meetings are conducted according ICMR, ICH-GCP guidelines norms.
  9. In this committee meeting committee review the scientific, ethical, social, legal aspect of research proposal and approve them or deny approval for conduction of research at Dr Hedgewar Hospital. 

CME- Continuing Medical Education

  1. All department get chance to conduct & host CME.
  2. All CME are accredited to Maharashtra Medical council  for credit point
  3. Routinely 150-200 delegates attained CME
  4. Doctors from Nanded, Parbhani, Aurangabad, Beed come for CME. 

Some of our successful MMC accredited CME’s

Sr no CME title Date
1 CME on infertility 05/09/2015
2 Research methodology CME 20/08/2016
3 Thalassemia CME 22/01/2017
4 ABG Workshop 16/04/2017
5 Plasmapheresis CME 16/07/2017
6 PG Workshop 20/08/2017
7 GCP- (Good Clinical Practices) CME 17/02/2018
8 Pediatric cardiology CME 28/04/2018
9 Psychiatric CME 20/05/2018
10 Gynaecpathcon-2018 CME 01/07/2018
11 Orthopedic (Live surgical workshop)CME 15/07/2018

Research & Drug Trials

  1. Research
  2. Observational studies
  3.   case report
  4. Pilot studies
  5. Poster & paper presentation in various conferences
  6. Local population survey & research and its publications in various journals
  7. We represent Marathwada and various districts of mid Maharashtra
  8. Collection of quantitative data, Organizing & designing of data from Medical records of all respective all departments.
  9. Conducting qualitative analysis of data, report writing and presentations where necessary.
  10. prepare research, review and case study report.
  11. Manage Clinical Trial Materials (CTM), accountability, distribution & logistics at site.
  12. Filling up  and  maintaining  trial  related  logs  like  drug  dispensing  logs,  subject  logs, Investigational  Product  Logs,  temperature  logs.  Etc.

Following clinical trials conducted under BAMRS

Principal Investigator  (PI) Indication
Dr Anand Phatak HIV study
Dr Narendra Kulkarni GERD- PANTO study
Dr Ranjana Deshmukh GERD-ESMO study
Dr Venkatesh Deshpande COPD study
Dr Sandhya Bhattad Uterine Fibroid study
Dr Narendra Kulkarni Erectile dysfunction study


  1. Medisearch is periodic newsletter of BAMRS.
  2. It is published quarterly (thrice a year) since 2010.
  3. It contains various research articles by doctors of DHR
  4. It focuses the new advancements in various dept. of DHR.

Poor Patients Fund:

The "Poor Patients Fund" has been created to take care of free treatment costs of extremely poor patients. If you have a heart to help, you can join hands and contribute to this fund by way of generous donations.


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